Sunday, October 17, 2010

Need a George Foreman Grill?

Because we have five of them in this house. None of them are being used. But no cover for a 10" pan. Boys.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

First observations of CS

A few College Station observations:
- Land of good grub: BBQ, Mexican, chili, and CHICKEN STRIPS!
- Girls in Nike running shorts - I swear they must be the official bottoms of Aggie female students!
- Trucks - feels like home...
- Cowboy boots - again, feels like home...
- It is flat, flat, flat

That is it for now. While it is only day five for me in Texas, I am surprisingly loving it!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drive to TX

My 1300+ mile drive (a little over 21 hours) by myself in a U-Haul truck with only one day of planning went perfectly! Could not have worked out any better. I found out I was trucking it the day before... Why? My ship and fly plan imploded on Friday (*Curses U-Box*). While long, I enjoyed driving through more of our beautiful country (I can now add WV, KY, TN, AR and TX to the list of states I have been to). I saw a stunning sunset and sunrise in Arkansas (stayed the night there). I loved all the truck company on the road (I used them to figure out how fast to drive - how often do you see truckers getting pulled over?). I only had one problem on the entire trip - I got lost in the very last mile trying to find the house in College Station. Literally. Four pages of directions from Google Maps (no GPS for me) and I screw me up at the very end... But all in all, it was a problem-free (only time I had to use the wipers was to clean off bug guts) journey to my new home. Thank goodness!