Saturday, April 18, 2009

Arabic Words

Shukran - Thank You
La - No
Naam - Yes
Aywa - OK
Shoofi mafi? - What's up?
Keef haluk? - How are you?
Salam - Hello
Ma'assalama - Goodbye
Yalla! - Let's Go!
Inshallah - God Willing...
Al hamdulillah - Praise be to Allah
Yanni - Like
Mafi mushkala - No problem
Khalas - Finished/Done/No more
Helwa - Sweet or beautiful
Mabrook - Congrats
Habibi (m)/habibti (f) - Beloved/Dear
Assalaam Alaikum - Peace be upon you
To which the reply is: Wa Alaikum Assalaam - And peace be upon you
USA - Umreeka

There are more, but I cannot remember them at this time... But most of the time I just speak good ol' English...and frequently with a weird accent and cutting out non-essential words. I find it bizarrely helps out. And being just nice really helps out. Remember: Kindness is universal.

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