Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just a little over 3 weeks to go...

...and then I am out of here!

I am not counting down at all. :)

But my anxiety level is increasing almost daily since this time in a month I will have no idea where I will be or what I will being doing. In other words, homeless and jobless. Lovely. And I do not like it. I crave normalcy and a routine after feeling like I did not really have it this past year.

Anyway, life right now is rather uneventful. I work. And there is not much going on on that front. Then I work out with my friend, Gary. And then I go to bed. That is it. And I am starting to pack and such a little too (I hate packing and thus I just do like five minutes at a time before I feel like I want to stop).

And I am trying to sell the stupid and dumpy Jeep. I hate that thang so much and I cannot wait to be rid of it! I plan to go as long as possible without owning a car when I return to the States. Granted I think that will be difficult since a car is the main mode of transporting people and goods around the vast majority of the United States, but I am going to try my damn hardest. I hate car ownership. It equates to a leash and not freedom in my eyes. Plus, I do not like responsibility and thus wherever I can cut corners regarding being a responsible adult, I do.

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