Sunday, September 12, 2010


I fail at staying up on blogging...

Not much has happened. August is over. Thank goodness! I went home to Washington for a much needed visit home during Labor Day Weekend. The Anderson clan was together for the first time in over a year - Prego Arika and Bryan were up from San Diego, Skyler was there from Silverdale, and of course Mom, Dad, and the pups. We ate lots of great food (LOVE Mom-made meals!). Did a day trip to Anacortes to help Dad and barbecue at Deception Pass (AMAZING sunset). Made a pilgrimage to Value Village. Went on a couple good runs (Washington has the best running weather in the summer). Picked some blackberries (my berry expertise came back to me quickly). Saw the rest of the family and a couple friends. I do miss home a lot. I need to make it back more often. Just tough with this job.

Speaking of job, we are so busy. Will I ever get to have a normal day? It just keeps coming. I just keep telling myself that God does not throw me things I cannot handle.

Not much else going on. Just trying to stay on top of life and figuring out the next chapter. 

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