Thursday, June 23, 2011

An adventure called teaching

I have been quite M.I.A. recently because I have been beyond busy with this new career venture: teaching. I am not giving up on higher ed completely (I want to encourage and prepare more people for college), but I have thought about going into secondary education as well for a couple years. This past spring I applied and was accepted to a very rigorous alternative certification program here in Texas. This program has partnered with Fort Worth to bring good folks into its high need schools with the goal of raising the expectations for all and ultimately closing the achievement gap. Studies have shown that what really makes the difference is quality teachers - teachers that take or make no excuses, teachers that accept nothing but excellence, teachers who challenge and support. So I am training this summer to be a social studies teacher. The work is intense, I am permanently tired, and my neck has been sore for over a week, but I am loving it. For example, one thing I am working on is establishing my authority (being petite and young looking is not always to my advantage): a couple boys at the high school call me Miss Beautiful. I have to not laugh at them when I tell them A) that is not my name, B) to cut the crap (they are usually doing something they are not supposed to be doing),  and C) I am basically old enough to be their mom.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

New home!

My new little place in Fort Worth! Welcome! Feels like a proper little home (good layout, lots of light, good condition, decent patio...). But I am looking forward to having a real place. I want my own place. One day. 

Ugly coffee table (only cost me $10 at thrift store) about to get spray painted! PS I would love to paint splatter the floor of my patio (it is ug), but my landlord probably would tell me otherwise.
Probably the best kitchen out of all the kitchens I have had!
Right side of living room.
Left side of living room (Note: See the 'after' of the coffee table).
Sparse bedroom (there is now a nightstand next to the bed (bought for $7 at thrift store and given life with new coat of paint and knob), but needs more art on the walls).
Bathroom/vanity area (closet is out of view on the left - you see one boring closet, you see them all).
And that is all, folks! 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Google Pascal Poolaw: Part 2 of Weekend in Oklahoma

We spent Sunday driving around Fort Sill and learning about its very interesting history. For anyone interested in Native American and/or frontier history, Fort Sill should be towards the top of the list of places to visit.
Sherman House (home of the Commanding General) was the site of an attempted assassination of William Tecumseh Sherman (only one of the most interesting figures in our history) by some local Indian leaders (also very cool figures in our history).
Seriously. Google Pascal Poolaw. The guy served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. A real American hero. (G: "I never seen someone with so many medals.")
G learning about Native American code talkers. They made immense contributions to our efforts in WWII.
G checking out a cell in the Guardhouse, built by Buffalo Soldiers and housed Indian prisoners like Geronimo.
A mock village to train military.
Me and Medicine Bluff. You do not see how sweaty I was thankfully.
A bobcat relaxing at the Conservation Education Center
Massive grasshopper hitching a ride on our windshield.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who GOES to Oklahoma?: Part 1 of Weekend in Oklahoma

I do.

And I loved it.

I went to Oklahoma to visit G. He is there for a couple weeks training.

And we had so much fun exploring.

First stop was...
Famous Meers!
They have their own beer
And their own ice cream for massive root beer floats
And their beef (G and I shared this) comes from their own herd
We also drove around the Wichita Wildlife Refuge and stopped by the Winery of the Wichitas for a glass of wine in the town of Medicine Park on our way back.
Buffalo, bison or whatever you call them.
Mount (but really a hill) Scott
This place is so nice...
G, his glass of wine, and cute lil' Medicine Park
We also got a kick out of watching people navigate a massive pothole crater in a movie theatre parking lot while eating at an old school drive-in (look at G's massive hot dog).
The culprit. It could swallow a tire...and then some
A wee car attempting to not meet a horrible fate
G, his massive hot dog, tots, and malt on a perfect night!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Costa Rica Photos!

Costa Rica Report

Quick trip to Costa Rica with G. We flew down Monday and came back Friday.

Long Day 1
- This place is beautiful! Lush. Green. Flowers everywhere.
- Saw a sloth! Check that off my list! It was just chilling in a farmer's market we happened to stop at.
- Lunch and relaxing at hot springs at the base of Arenal Volcano. This is the life.
- Driving here is like driving in India.

Long Day 2
- Rafting on the Rio Pacuare! Not as intense as rafting the Nile, but the most beautiful rafting trip I have ever been on. Loved hearing G laugh up a storm (was his first whitewater rafting experience)!
- Yum dinner at this Latin fusion restaurant near the condo.

Long Day 3
- A day of hiking and boating to see animals: monkeys, birds, crocs and lots of insects. However, after growing up in the Northwest and going to Africa, the wilds here are a bit underwhelming. I have been spoiled.
- Yum dinner at this hole in the wall near our condo run by a Canadian guy (has lived in CR for about 30 years).

Trip Home
- Costa Rica National Men's Soccer Team on our flight! Playing in the CONCACAF Gold Cup here in the United States. Everyone and their mom was taking pictures with them at the airport in San Jose (passengers, security/police, airport staff...) and media and a motorcade were waiting for them in Dallas. So cool for this soccer fan!

Wanna see all our photos? See next post (have a good laugh at my inability to keep my mouth closed while rafting...).

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bro and Sis Time!

My brother, Skyler, came to town for a few days to help me move to Fort Worth. The moving part was not that bad (despite the stairs and heat), but I wanted to make the most of my time with him. We do not spend much time together nowadays (damn living in different states, jobs...) and thus I wanted to have fun together. I showed him around College Station and Fort Worth, introduced him to Texas food (in other words, meat), went out for drinks, saw Hangover 2, sunset BBQ... It was great times and makes me really wish for more time with him.

I love you, baby brother! And thank you for your help!