Thursday, June 23, 2011

An adventure called teaching

I have been quite M.I.A. recently because I have been beyond busy with this new career venture: teaching. I am not giving up on higher ed completely (I want to encourage and prepare more people for college), but I have thought about going into secondary education as well for a couple years. This past spring I applied and was accepted to a very rigorous alternative certification program here in Texas. This program has partnered with Fort Worth to bring good folks into its high need schools with the goal of raising the expectations for all and ultimately closing the achievement gap. Studies have shown that what really makes the difference is quality teachers - teachers that take or make no excuses, teachers that accept nothing but excellence, teachers who challenge and support. So I am training this summer to be a social studies teacher. The work is intense, I am permanently tired, and my neck has been sore for over a week, but I am loving it. For example, one thing I am working on is establishing my authority (being petite and young looking is not always to my advantage): a couple boys at the high school call me Miss Beautiful. I have to not laugh at them when I tell them A) that is not my name, B) to cut the crap (they are usually doing something they are not supposed to be doing),  and C) I am basically old enough to be their mom.

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