Monday, August 1, 2011

It was 108 today. And 109 is predicted for tomorrow. And...

...100+ degrees each day for the foreseeable future. Awesome, just awesome.

It is too hot to go outside.

It has been 100+ degrees for over 30 days. I feel like I am in the Middle East again.

But I am keeping my whining to a minimum. Just a few salty words whenever I get into the oven that is my car.

I long for weather on the opposite end of the spectrum: snow, cold, rain... Like this:

A typical day in Siberiacuse.
And ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.

Update (8/3): It was 110 yesterday. Hottest day in 11 years (all time high is 113 degrees). And today's low was 86 degrees. The hottest low since 1939!

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