Friday, August 26, 2011

Just call me Ms. Anderson

This insanely busy summer of studying and teaching for no $ has resulted in this: school has started and I am officially a teacher. I am teaching Honors World Geography and co-coaching girls soccer. Perfect for me, right? It is a lot of work (in at 7:30, out at around 4:30 to only do more work at home), but I am loving it so far (but ask me how I feel later this year and my answer might differ...). The kids have lots of energy, but good energy that just needs to be channeled.

This whole week has been quite enjoyable, but I think my favorite moment was this one:
One of my Honors World Geography students responded to my question regarding where I am from with "CONNECTICUT!" I burst out laughing because it was completely unexpected (I was expecting Texas (even though I already said I was not from Texas) or something like Oklahoma or California) and he was so sure of his answer. I now call him Connecticut.

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