Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Possibly the best internet site ever. I am an addict. Who needs to get work done? Pining my life away.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Student Thought of the Month

Several students in one of my classes win with this joint effort: They thought little monkeys, like chimps, were just baby monkeys that eventually grew up to be big monkeys, like gorillas. They did not know they were separate. To help them understand, I explained how little dogs, like chihuahuas, were not baby dogs that eventually grew up to be big dogs, like Great Danes. Totally separate beasts. And there you have it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I have seen a lot of things...

...but I have never seen a person nose get busted from point blank range. Background: during my coed soccer game last night two guys went up for a ball right in front of me and conked heads hard. The result: one dude with a good headache and the other with a busted nose. It was horrifying. Blood everywhere. A super crooked nose. And the sound of bones colliding... *CRINGE* I am sure my face went something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgAFNzEWWY4. But do know the dude on my team with the busted nose went to the hospital and he is going to be fine. And we lost. As usual (they do not like to pass to girls).

Friday, August 26, 2011

Just call me Ms. Anderson

This insanely busy summer of studying and teaching for no $ has resulted in this: school has started and I am officially a teacher. I am teaching Honors World Geography and co-coaching girls soccer. Perfect for me, right? It is a lot of work (in at 7:30, out at around 4:30 to only do more work at home), but I am loving it so far (but ask me how I feel later this year and my answer might differ...). The kids have lots of energy, but good energy that just needs to be channeled.

This whole week has been quite enjoyable, but I think my favorite moment was this one:
One of my Honors World Geography students responded to my question regarding where I am from with "CONNECTICUT!" I burst out laughing because it was completely unexpected (I was expecting Texas (even though I already said I was not from Texas) or something like Oklahoma or California) and he was so sure of his answer. I now call him Connecticut.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

FC Barcelona V Club America

G and I went to the FC Barcelona v. Club America game at Cowboys Stadium yesterday. Why?
1. Air conditioned location outside my apartment (too hot to do anything outside).
2. I LOVE soccer football...and I am working to get G into the sport.
3. Check out the new stadium.
4. Snagged great tickets for cheap.
5. FC Barcelona is one of the best teams in the world (and sponsored by the Qatar Foundation).
Cowboys Stadium. Looks like a spaceship landed in the Metroplex (you can see it from miles away). Fact: Cost over 1 billion dollars (I use that fact when talking about the Louisiana Purchase with students, which only cost a bit over 200 million in today's $, to help put it all in perspective).
We are in Dallas Cowboys territory and thus OF COURSE Cowboys Cheerleaders will be there for the coin toss.
G was excited to check out the engineering of the stadium (massive doors, huge TV screen, fancy roof...) and attend his first big soccer football game.
View of field from our seats. We were in the first row on level 2 (of 4). We were very, very happy with our seats since we scored them for cheap.

FC Barcalona is the red/blue team, Club America is the yellow team. Doing whatever they do before kickoff.

FC Barcelona scores! We were lucky because most of the action the entire game was on our end!
He was fine.
Ref giving a yellow card. Do not mess with that face. A good teacher face.
Villa, one of the stars, leaves the game...and you see QF is prominently featured on the jersey. It boggled my mind to see hundreds, if not, thousands of shirts with QF on them. Makes me miss Qatar a bit more.
Necessary pic of me at the game. I look horrendous. I blame it on the hot walk to the stadium. We parked for $20 about a mile away. It costs $75 to park at the stadium. No joke.

Monday, August 1, 2011

It was 108 today. And 109 is predicted for tomorrow. And...

...100+ degrees each day for the foreseeable future. Awesome, just awesome.

It is too hot to go outside.

It has been 100+ degrees for over 30 days. I feel like I am in the Middle East again.

But I am keeping my whining to a minimum. Just a few salty words whenever I get into the oven that is my car.

I long for weather on the opposite end of the spectrum: snow, cold, rain... Like this:

A typical day in Siberiacuse.
And ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.

Update (8/3): It was 110 yesterday. Hottest day in 11 years (all time high is 113 degrees). And today's low was 86 degrees. The hottest low since 1939!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weekend With Munchie

I went to San Diego this past weekend to visit with family (the Anderson clan together for the first time in about a year!), particularly my favorite niece, Ashlan (AKA "Munchie"). She is growing by the minute. She is amazing.
"Hi everyone! Look how big I am!"
She is already a tech junkie at 8 months! Here she is worming (almost crawling) her way to my computer.
This face makes my day.
And so does this one.
Looking rrreeeaaalll close! 
Her 'about to cry' face has the opposite affect on us: smiles/laughing at that wrinkled nose and puckering mouth.
Food coma.
She is starting to pull herself up on her own! She gets so excited she starts making faces and rocks the block thingy back and forth (and hence my finger holding it down). 
"'Hey, Auntie, I want your camera!"
I am taller than Uncle Skyler!
Swimming lessons with Grandma!
And it was tears galore...
...and some kicking...
...and more tears. 
Not napping like she was supposed to, but Aunt Jade did not mind. LOVE sweet quiet time together!
Sharing her binkie.
Focusing on her glo animal thingy...
...and proceeding to make out with it.
"I LOVE playing peekaboo!"
And she prefers to sleep spooning with her blanket...
Enjoying a quick ride around the patio.
Look at that face! My sweet Munchie!
"J is for Jade, my favorite aunt!"
"Give me your camera!"
"Going to get you...
...and give you a big, wet kiss (if I can get there...)!"

Monday, July 25, 2011

$3 Coach Bag

I bought this pretty lady for $3 at my local Goodwill! I found this little vintage ivory number from Coach (with all the hallmarks that it is real) buried in a bin. Score! Just needs a little cleaning. And I have already received several compliments on it! Gotta love the Goodwill.

Friday, July 8, 2011


G and I went home to Washington for the 4th of July and we had a wonderful time! It was beyond great to spend time with my family, run into many friends, and just enjoy a sunny 4th in Sedro-Woolley! It was simply perfect!
We do howdy in Woolley too!
One of Dad's favorite parts of Loggerodeo: carnie food
Mom, G, G's sis, her hubby, and Dad checking out the mighty Skagit
I love my Audi (except when I get it serviced...), but this is the perfect Jade ride
Otis attacking the water out of the hose
Ruby and Baker playing tug of war
Skyler entertaining all the pups (land of the little dog)
Otis likes everyone, but he really took to G 
One day I will have a little RV like this and drive it around the world
View from Deception Pass Bridge towards the Puget Sound and Olympics 
G on Deception Pass Bridge
Tricia, Josh, G, and Becky around the fire watching the fireworks at Big Lake
Mom and Mad
Wildflowers in the front, foothills in the back  
1-2-3 Cascades!
G and I living the good life (thanks Alaska Airlines!)