Saturday, May 21, 2011

And I am moving again...

I am moving to Fort Worth next weekend! Why? To be a teacher! I am not giving up on higher ed, but I want more career options (the plan is to go back and forth for the next 30+ years). And this opportunity in Fort Worth is perfect. It will likely be the hardest thing I have ever done thus far (but when have I ever taken the easy road?), but I believe I am ready for it. And so I have to move. Again. I have moved almost every single year since I left for college in 2000. Dis-gust-ing. At some point soon I hope to stop. It is expensive...and I want to put down some roots!

PS Don't you love my Sedro-Woolley bag with my name on it? I believe I got it in grade school. I coveted it. It was the thing to have. Just like LA Gear sneaks, CK overalls, white Steven Madden platform sneaks, Adidas jackets that were two sizes too big...

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