Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pretzel Rolo Turtle Thingys

Pretzel + Rolo + Pecan = Jade's Favorite New Snack!

They are so easy to make yet so delicious. 

S'mores have some competition for the title of Jade's favorite sweet (AKA food that makes Jade do her happy dance and/or noises of joy)...

How do you make them? EASY!

Ingredients: Pretzels, Rolos, and Pecan Halves
1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
2. Arrange pretzels on cookie sheet. 
3. Place one Rolo (hardest part of this whole process is unwrapping them...) on each pretzel.
4. Bake for 4 minutes to make Rolo soft and sticky. 
5. While Rolo is warm, press a pecan half onto each Rolo pretzel goodness.
6. Let cool and devour.

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