Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Just a few days to go...

The big move is happening in a few days, people! Today is Wednesday. The big move happens on Sunday. I am by far more excited than I am worried or nervous (I would say 92% to 8%). I did have one panicky moment on Monday at 4AM (An 'oh man, I leave in less than a week' moment), but after a few minutes I calmed down and went back to sleep. I think I have everything covered, but you do not know what you do not know and thus I sort of feel like I am missing things...but I do not know what those things are. Anyway, I THINK I am basically good to go. I have a list of things I need to do (no need to elaborate because it is frankly boring), but things are getting done. The big things left on my list include getting a couple boxes shipped over to Qatar (I am waiting for the shipping folks) and police clearance business (STILL!). And of course packing. Otherwise, I am basically done. I sold (adios car!), donated or put in storage (woo hoo for parents who own a storage facility) the rest of my stuff. So that is that. After a couple of months, I am finally going. It feels rather unreal. But I am ready (especially after spending a month in Sedro-Woolley bored out of my mind), but will I ever be REALLY ready? Probably not. Come Saturday and Sunday I will surely be a mess. The end for now.

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