Friday, October 31, 2008

"Does anyone know that lamborghini?"

The 'hang out in your costumes and eat shawarma' party was a big success. The residents were happy. And I was happy that there were no problems (no inappropriate costumes, no dancing, no complaints by Security...). But I had a very 'only in Qatar' experience. I noticed this black lamborghini kind of cruisin' around the halls for about 30 minutes and then it parked in front of one of the female halls and revved its engine for another 30. Seeing fancy cars is kind of weirdly normal around here, but this one I had never seen before (we see a neon green one quite frequently) and as a result I was kind of suspicious (and it did not help that this one reminded me of the Batmobile - black body, black tinted windows, black rims...). I asked several students if they recognized it, but none of them did. So I decided it was time to approach the mystery lambo because it did not really have a reason to be here. As I was approaching the guy realized he was in trouble and so he sped off. Never in my life did I think I would have beef with a lambo, especially working in education. It was all rather comical. Man, what a weird experience... :)

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