Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I was at a store yesterday with some CDAs shopping for their Halloween program tonight. Halloween is still a little taboo here and thus we are putting the emphasis on shawarma (a yummy Arab sandwich thingy). Anyway, at this store there was this little boy, an expat kid probably about seven, on a mission to find something, anything, that would work as a Halloween costume because costumes are few and far between around here. But this kid got me. I will likely never forget him even though our paths crossed for maybe five minutes. This little boy had burn scars all over his body, or at least on his face, neck and arms. I do not know this child's story, but I cannot get him out of my head. I do not want to pity him, but all I want for this kid is to be a kid and that includes having an amazing Halloween. I believe every kid deserves that. You could sense his despair in finding something to work as his Halloween costume, so for one night he could imagine he is something else (I remember doing this when I was a kid). And he found success with this mask thing. You could feel his sense of relief from across the room. But he was a couple QRs short after he took all his crumpled QRs out of his pocket and counted his many 1 QRs (probably his allowance) on the floor of the store. I had an urge to give him the few QRs he needed to cover the mask, but his brother gave him the money he needed (BTW I have no idea where his parents were). Thank God. I think we adults (for once I am calling myself an adult) sometimes get so wrapped up in our lives that we forget how important it is for kids to be kids along with what is important to kids. If anything, we need to find the kid in all of us again. In fact, we could learn a lot from kids about what is really important in life. I am not sure I am making much sense...sometimes I have a hard time articulating my values because my mind is racing with thoughts. Anyway, I hope this little boy has a great Halloween. I hope all kids have a great Halloween! Even us adults! Just enjoy this day! But really find joy in every single day and be thankful! Happy Halloween everybody! And happy birthday tomorrow to my little brother!

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