Saturday, August 30, 2008

A night out in Doha...

...and this is about as crazy as it gets - Salsa music at Paloma

1. The girls in the band wear super skimpy black and hot pink outfits (I first saw them in the bathroom and I thought they were prostitutes...). This is something you simply do not see in Doha and thus you just kind of stare at them, especially the one with the job of just shaking her fake boobies around. It is quite mesmorizing.

2. They also look insanely bored and show little expression while performing because they do the same routine nightly.

3. My favorite was the one with the sax as big as her. She even dances while playing it! Now THAT is talent!

4. I totally got a kick out of watching this old guy dancing up a storm. I particularly liked it when he tried to dance while talking on his phone.

5. After a J.Lo song they played the Macarena. God bless the Macarena. You know it is coming by its opening beats. It brought back fond memories of middle school.

And that, my friends, is going out in Qatar.

Note: I have a video of this experience, but for some reason it does not want to load.

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