Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Party Tower would be the Fire Tower

Tonight was all about fire drills. However, lovely Security decided to tell students beforehand that A) there were going to be fire drills tonight and B) they did not need to evacuate. Brilliant! I am learning that Security loves to make everyone's lives difficult. I feel like they like to do it on purpose too! They do not really understand the concept of working together. Anyway, the girls, even considering many had to put abayas on, surprisingly smoked the boys! I loved it! I am all about empowering females here whenever possible. I do not know if they get it enough. I was tasked with being the announcer on the mic for the male residence halls. I took my job seriously announcing a hall's time, telling them they were free to return to their hall and such, but I made it a little fun for the infamous Party Tower, MB1. Party Tower is quite simply obnoxious. They are quite rowdy and they constantly are yelling "Party Tower!" I am all about residence hall spirit, but there is a time and a place for it and they have not figured that out yet. Anyway, I decided to get them back a bit. Party Tower had the worst time. So I told them that in a real fire "the Party Tower would be the Fire Tower." That put a little dent, however temporarily, in their hall pride. Ha, ha, boys!

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