Monday, August 11, 2008

The Olympics

I am not the biggest fan of the Olympics. The Olympics is/are (singular or plural?) not something I mark on my calendar. I do not know why. I normally only sporadically watch them. But I am finding myself watching the Olympics more here. For instance, today we went for food at T.G.I Friday's (OF COURSE) and I was glued to the TV watching women's basketball (and I do not even really like basketball...except when it comes to Washington, Syracuse and the Boston Celtics and then I love me some hoops). Maybe it is because I do not really have TV at my apartment (I have a TV, but I have yet to get cable). Maybe that is the deal...I am sort of having TV withdrawals and thus will practically watch anything (Another example: I was watching weightlifting while running at the gym last night). Anyhoo, everything is in Arabic and thus I have no clue what the commentators are saying. I am cool with that because I mute the TV back in the States a lot during sporting events anyway. I get annoyed with all the unnecessary chit chat. But I had a revelation today when I catched a little gymnastics: People, it is 2008 and thus what the hell is with the scrunchies in the hair???
Photo courtesy of AP via Yahoo!

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