Saturday, August 2, 2008

My boxes are here!

Over three weeks after I arrive, my boxes finally join me. And this is what they looked like when I got them:
They were smashed to hell and definitely looked like they took a trip halfway around the world (including a stop in Luxembourg). But nothing was broken and everything was accounted for. So I have been spending most of my weekend around my apartment putting things away (nothing else to do because I am on-call...even here I gotta do damn duty!). I plan ("inshallah") to do a little shopping this upcoming week to buy some items to make my place feel more homey and then I will create and post a little slideshow or something for you. Not much else going on. Just really busy with work (training CDAs (also known as RAs)) and planning my first trip this fall. One week in Egypt? Or the Maldives? What a dilemma! :) OK, gotta go. I have some serious ironing to do. Much love!

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